South West: Grassroots Consultations Intensify

The Regional team will hold a final evaluation meeting with the Governor on Sunday.

The Head of the Regional consultation team for the South West, Peter Mafany Musonge, will stage an evaluation with Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai this Sunday, October 22, 2017. The various Divisional delegations from Lebialem, Kupe Muangenguba, Manyu, Meme, Ndian and Fako would tally reports of field requests, opinions and observations tomorrow, Saturday, and submit same before noon to the Regional team. Already, Sub-Divisional fact-finding teams handed their field work on October 19, 2017 by noon. The worrisome situation of Lebialem where the locals refused any consultations with government envoys resulting in arson on their MP’s house seems one of the rare places where dialogue has hit the rocks. A dependable source confirmed that the members of the delegations there were to retreat without further field work to avoid shedding blood. In Konye, Dr. Doh Bertha, heading a sub-divisional team made a smooth sail and has tendered her report to the hierarchical Divisional team at the helm of which is Retired Chief Justice Benjamin Itoe. In Mbonge, still in Meme Division, Senator Otte Andrew combed the farming agglomerations to tap out the minds of the populace in what concerns the current Anglophone crisis. The major call from the population as filtered to this reporter within the framework of the ongoing field consultations remains the form of the State. Interlocutors equally hammered to have their dear President, Paul Biya address them on the current crisis. In most places this wish was expressed as a longing people thirsting to hear from their shepherd. One informant hi...



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