Administrative Facelift For Bakassi

A newly-created development program will pilot projects in the area following the Prime Ministerial decree of August 21, 2017.

The development of the entire country remains the priority of the government with the Bakassi Peninsular inclusive. Visible efforts to provide the locality with several developmental projects are contained in a Prime Ministerial Decree signed on August 21, 2017, which created the Bakassi Peninsular Development Program, BADEP. The program which is placed directly under his supervision, has as principal objective to repopulate the area that covers five sub-divisions within the Bakassi Peninsular notably; Isangele, Idabato, Kombo Abedimo, Kombo Itindi and Bamusso. BADEP will be financed by public funds and development partners with the mission of facilitating access into the locality by both land and sea.

The first segment of the program highlights various projects contained in the strategic document for the repopulation of Bakassi peninsular. Amongst the plans for development is the putting in place of a permanent security system, organisation of producers into cooperatives, putting in place viable potable water and electricity supply systems, development of production and processing infrastructure for fishery products, facilitating both maritime and land access, construction of camps for fishermen and agricultural cultivators of Cameroonian nationals resident in the peninsular. With the zone rich in oil and fishery resources, t...



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