“We Are Doing Underground Work On The Field”

Alice Sadio, National President of the Alliance of Progressive  Forces (APF).

How is the current state of the Alliance of Progressive Forces (APF)? 

The Alliance of Progressive Forces is strong with a perfect healthy situation and moving forward. The number of sympathisers the APF is grabbing on the field is amazing. People are now understanding that the party is the place to be for those who like change. This is because the APF has shown the example on the field. Our challenge now is to  transform the sympathisers to militants  and then turn them into candidates in the upcoming elections.

You have just talked to elections. How is the APF preparing for the different elections expected in 2018?

We are doing underground work on the field in order to compete in as many councils  and constituencies as possible. In politics, strategies are important. Our strategy is to sensitise citizens  and turn them into militants. We are also sensitising our militants by training them  to be good, performing and competitive candidates in the various elections. As the  elections draw closer, the Alliance of Progressive Forces convention would take place during which the candidates for the elections would be nominated.



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