China Lauds Cameroon’s Peace, Hospitality

Nationals over the weekend celebrated the country’s National Day in Douala.


The 67th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China was celebrated in fanfare in the port city of Douala on September 29, 2016. The esplanade of the Hotel Sawa was jammed to capacity by Chinese and Cameroonians in festive mode. Apart from skin colour, it was difficult to differentiate between Chinese and Cameroonians, given that most Chinese dressed up like Cameroonians, with some in traditional regalia. Cameroonians on the other hand turned out in Chinese attire.

In his address before the cutting of the anniversary cake, Littoral Governor, Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua, in the presence of a host of other government officials, saluted the fruitful cooperation between the two count...



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