South West: Some 99 Freed Detainees Go Home
- 17 déc. 2018 10:23

The Military Court in Buea discontinued all charges against them following instructions from the President of the Republic.
Some 99 detainees remanded at the Buea Central Prison apparently appeared before the Buea Military Court without knowing their fate but suddenly burst into ululation and thunderous applauses when the Commissioner for the Government at the Military Court, Lieutenant Colonel Abou’ou Aka’a, read the order from the Presidency discontinuing all charges against them. The special court session on December 14, 2018, in Buea was at the back drop of instructions from the Presidency through the Minister Delegate at the Presidency incharge of Defense to discontinue all charges levied against 99 Cameroonians in the South West Region apprehended in connection to the Anglophone Crisis. The detainees were charged with acts of secession, terrorism, insurgence, kidnappings etc. Lieutenant Colonel Abou’ou cited in section 14 of the Military Justice Code which gives the Head of State powers to stop legal proceedings before judgment is delivered. The session that started at 1:13 pm and ended at 2:17 pm, saw the detainees answered present through a roll call. The President of the Buea Military Court, Colonel Ndjebeha Jeremie ...
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