National Dialogue : Garga Haman, Cabral Libii Give Proposals

Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute consulted them on September 19, 2019 at the Star Building

Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute on September 19, 2019 consulted opinion leaders to gather their views to be used during the national dialogue mainly to solve the crisis in the North West and South West Regions coming up at the end of this September. Focus on Thursday’s consultations was to gather the views and proposals of opinion leaders. The first person to be received in audience for the day, was Cabral Libii, President of the Cameroonian Party for National Reconciliation (PCRN) and candidate in the October 7, 2018 presidential election. After the discussions in the audience room at the sixth floor of the Prime Minister’s Office, Cabral Libii accompanied by an impressive delegation told the press that he handed to the Prime Minister a document in which is contained his proposals for the national dialogue. On the highlights of the proposals, he talked of devolution of power, return of the Internally Displaced Persons, reconstruction, problem of refugees, liberation of people detained in connection with the crisis in the North West and South West Regions, regionalism and electoral process. He expressed satisfaction that the dialogue has been convened. According to Cabral Libii, the dialogue is an op...



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