Dispelling Polemics of Supposed Marginalisation

Though no human endeavour is perfect, President Paul Biya holds that with limited resources, many needs are still to be met in all the regions and no one should feel left aside.

One thing many would agree can’t easily assemble unanimity in Cameroon is the controversial notion of marginalisation. It is even nasty as the word itself may mean (relegation, side-lining, disregarding, downgrading…), disturbingly in a republic where all are called upon, by the constitution, to have a common vision. As the debate rages on; and could go on till cows come home, on whether or not some citizens from certain cultural and linguistic backgrounds are excluded; one thing stands out: Living together may have challenges but adopting holistic approaches to surmounting them could transform stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
On the heels of the Major National Dialogue billed for the days ahead to address problems perturbing normal life in the North West and South West Regions, likewise other issues of national interest, President Paul Biya believes feelings of marginalisation have no place in the ship he has captained for over three decades now. In his state-of-the-nation’s address on September 10, 2019 during which he announced the much-awaited dialogue, President Paul Biya said, “the supposed feeling of marginalization by the people of the North West and South West Regions has often been advanced to justify this crisis. On this score, I wish to remind our compatriots in these regions, but also to those in the other eight regions of Cameroon, that marginalization, exclusion or stigmatization have never guided the work of the various governments I have formed since I became President of our country.” 
Though admitting that no human endeavour is perfect, more so in a developing country like Cameroon with multiple challenges and limited resources, the Head of State said, “many needs are still to be met, in all the regions.” He believes with the push of Cameroonian people demonstrated through “the massive support you gave me during the last presidential election, I intend to work relentlessly, with all the sons and daughters of our country, towards meeting the challenges we are facing in order to improve the welfare of our population, especially in terms of infrastructure, water and electricity supply, healthcare delivery and youth employment.” Logically so with the hope that equitable progress could dissipate the polemics.
The Head of State himself acknowledged such feelings are inherent in human life. “… Such is human nature and there will never be enough duty posts to satisfy all the regions, divisions, sub-divisions, towns, villages, families and citizens of our country. Any choice that is made will always cause joy whenever one is honoured, and disappointment when one is not.”
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