Local Governance and Development : Pioneer NASLA Management Takes Office

The General Manager and deputy appointed last 25 March, 2020, by presidential decrees have been installed.

Tanyitiku Enowachuo Bayee and Lidwine Nyanguinda Ongolo respectively General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the new Buea-based National School for Local Administration (NASLA) have settled down to begin work. The new General Manager takes over from Mathieu Hagbe who had managed the school for 16 years as Director.
The authorities signed in their technical handing over last 9 April, 2020, in the NASLA hall under the supervision of Fred Ebongue Makolle, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development. The NASLA top management was appointed last 25 March, 2020, by Presidential decrees to head a new structure created by the President of the Republic on 2 March, 2020. NASLA replaces CEFAM that had existed since 1977. The defunct CEFAM had been carved out of an earlier structure set up in colonial days to train local government staff.
As such, NASLA begins a new era on the ashes of former CEFAM (French acronym) or LGTC (English acronym) to continue and step up the training of local ...



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