Sports Medicine : Experts Converge On Yaounde Tomorrow

A symposium on sports medicine will take place in the nation’s political capital this September 12, 2020.

Sports medicine is a subject that is still not known to the public. The treatment of sportsmen and women is particular and specialised. It is in this light that a symposium on sports medicine will take place in Yaounde tomorrow, September 12, 2020. Organised by the Association of Professionals in Sports Medicine (APROMES) and the Sports Association for Professionals in Sports Medicine (ASPROMES), the workshop will bring together participants from across the country. 
The symposium will focus on two major points notably the resumption of the 2020-2021 sports season within the context of COVID-19 pandemic and a recycling on cardio-pulmonary reanimation for professionals in sports medicine. It will be an opportunity for participants to fine-tune their skills in first aid in case of heart attack on the field. There will also be presentation of information on the new law at the level of determination of bone age maturity in sportsmen and women. Dur...



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