The Game : Nanbudo Targeting The Youths

During the last ten years nanbudo in Cameroon has been playing an important role in the development of the national sports movement.

The name may be strange because but the sport discipline has gained grounds in the country. During the last ten years nanbudo in Cameroon has been playing an important role in the development of the national sports movement. Nanbudo is very diverse Japanese martial art. It combines fast fighting techniques and slow rehearsals that aim at control of the inner energy. Fast techniques can be divided into two parts. Kata is a combination of moves that develop bodily coordination, balance and accuracy. Paired training - randori katas teach how to defend versatilely against different attacks. Slow techniques on the other hand pay attention to breathing; very exact coordination and control of the inner energy - ki (in Japanese). These can be done in pairs or alone. Pair techniques of Nanbudo are firmly defined. This makes Nanbudo relatively a safe hobby when compared against other fighting sports. For example in the examination or in the competition, the most accurate and controlled technique is superior. Nanbudo goes for both women and men of all ages. 
During the past ten years Cameroon has been champions in the CEMAC zone through the outstanding performances of its athletes. The Cameroon Nanbudo and Sambo Federation has been making many efforts to ensure that Cameroon remains on top. Also, at the level of management and organisation Cameroon is on pole position. Sources at the Cameroon Nanbudo and Sambo Federation say, Cameroon o...



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