Encouraging Spectator Turn-out

Thousands of football lovers showed up at the Limbe Omnisport Stadium to watch the Burkina Faso versus Gabon match.

It was an impressive crowd of thousands that thronged the Limbe Omnisports Stadium yesterday January 23, 2022. They did not only come in their numbers but also were very active in cheering football actors of the on-going AFCON.
With mobilization gaining more and more steam, spectators from across the South West Region are taking to the stadium. Such spots as Mutengene road junction, Mile 17 motor pack in Buea, Half Mile in Limbe and other strategic areas agglomerated crowds towards Limbe to watch football.
Most spectators came to the stadium with trumpets and whistles, which they sounded throughout the matches. It was difficult to know which team was being cheered. Only spectacular actions in the field decided when to cheer.
From the scoreboard-end, which is the Atlantic Ocean side of the Limbe Stadium, to the Mount Cameroon flank of the 22.000-seater football temple, a sea of human he...



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