Physical, Sports Education Exams : 2022 Practical Session Assessed

This was during an inter-ministerial meeting held yesterday August 24, 2022 in Yaounde.

The unfolding of the practical session of Physical and Sports Education (PSE) subject at the 2022 official examinations have come under scrutiny. This was during an inter-ministerial meeting that took place yesterday August 24, 2022 at the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP) in Yaounde. The gathering was chaired by the Inspector General of Services at the Ministry, Michel Dissake Mbarga on behalf of the Minister. It was attended by the representatives of Ministry of Sports and Physical Education and partner administrations. The partner administrations include the Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB), the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINSEC), Office du Baccalaureate (OBC) and the National Organisation of Physical and Sports Education Teachers (ONEEPS).
Even though concertation was held in closed doors, the Inspector General of Services in his opening remarks said the meeting seeks to point out the strength and weaknesses of the unfolding of the 2022 practical session of the subject popularly known in the French sub-system of Education as Education Physique et Sportive (EPS). He added that stakeholders will equally be brainstorming on mechanisms that will make the upcoming session better as well as...



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