Dangers of Sachet Whiskies
- By Jator Christopher
- 27 janv. 2023 13:33
Many among consumers have become victims of addiction, health risks while society suffers related vices like crime.
Douala is experiencing a disturbing rate of consumption of sachet-packaged alcoholic drinks, commonly called sachet whiskies, despite their dangerous consequences. Even in the absence of statistical information, the rise is obvious among young adults particularly students and older persons alike who are these days easily spotted in shops, drinking spots, kiosks and in front of mobile vendors buying the highly concentrated alcoholic products or drinking them. Their consumption is attributed to the packaging, which makes such products affordable and widely available.
The story of sachet whiskies in the city of Douala does not end at the uncontrolled access and availability of high concentration alcohol in small sachet, but go as far as raising worries about their contents, which in some cases are dangerous to health. While it is commonly assumed that they are made of ethanol, the story sadly beats imagination. Most are made with methanol which is harmful to the human system. According to a health expert (asked not to be named), the potential for its presence in drinks made from industrially or home-distilled spirits is a serious health risk. She warns that ingesting a certain amount of the whiskies over a long period, there is risk of developing cancer.
Gastroenterologist, Dr. Fotso Chimi Serge, mentions that the consumption of alcohol in sachet can have serious repercussions for the functioning of the entire nervous system, particularly the brain. “It can result to neurological disorders like vitamin deficiency and liver disease, two health problems that commonly occur with alcoholism,” h...
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