Professional Training : A Vital Sector To Promote

Professionalism in Cameroon has been yelling out for protection, reformation and promotion. To enhance the sector and respond to the various categories of professional needs, the Government has adjusted its shot with a recent decree signed by the highest personality of the land, Head of State and President of the Republic, Paul Biya. 
The Presidential act of last 4 May, 2023 creating a national centre for the training of trainers (French acronym, CNFFDP) seeks to better up and remodel training in professional and vocational domains. Placed under the ambit of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, the CNFFDP institution will henceforth strive to leverage training for trainers and optimize production in various professional fields in Cameroon. 
The decree has met a wide approval and interpreted in professional milieus as an instrument to encourage efficiency, proficiency and value among other tenets. The titular Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training in whose hands the new CNFFDP has been entrusted is vested with the role to develop and implement Government’s policy on employment, training and professional integration. The Government department will use the new centre to shine out professional occupation in Cameroon.    
Briefly pictured, a profession is a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and formal qualification. Taken as such, a professional may offer a service or a product for payment to earn a living. In Cameroon, there exists a wide array of professions practiced by either dependent employed persons or independent creative and self-reliant individuals. In modern times, professions have expanded from medieval limited categories of Divinity, Medicine and Law to embrace Teaching, Journalism, Architecture, Accountancy, Agriculture, Engineering, Forestry, and the list stretches on.  
The good luck for Cameroonians is the multiplicity of training institutions planted across the country, which are even beneficial to neighbouring countries. These institutions have produced ready and qualified hands to impact society and gratified individuals with the know-how to serve humanity, the community, and the State. What makes or characterizes a learning institution is the quality of its graduates. But for such an institution to produce quality hands and remain credible, there must be trainers with undoubted quality. This is where the Government is placing its finger by creating a centralized centre to reform and enforce training in the country.
Amidst the array of training institutions of Cameroon, be they specialized or through the ordinary ladder of educational schools and universities, the State is taking a new bend to ensure quality and seriousness. Teachers of such establishments must be made to deliver their best especially in this competitive era. All Regions of Cameroon now can each boast of a university and training institutions. Those institutions churn out professionals now and then. Yet, the cry for lackluster performance is still glaring on the field. Added to the mediocrity of some graduates from such training schools decried here and there, is also the lack of employment opportunities and even the ingenuity of graduates to establish as business creators. What is, then, the problem?
State authorities have certainly observed shortcomings in the training of manpower and so have set out to heal the ills and right the wrongs. Presumably, what the CNFFDP institution will offer in professionalism may include efficiency and innovations to match the transforming societal needs in this new world of technology and science. The creational decree of CNFFDP spells out its areas of focus to include training of trainers and the conception of new professional programmes. The premium aim should be to stimulate employment by giving professionals the required qualities. 
The novelty this time would be for the centre to train on specific requests of employers. Also, training shall be tailored according to institutional tastes and varieties of the country. The centre will equally consider pedagogic and andragogy evolutions as well as research and support for development. The new CNFFDP should open up to Cameroon’s decentralised local governments to meet their professional needs. As an added scope, the centre shall open to foreign postulants who will respect legal entry requirements in accordance with diplo...



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