2023 National Interpools : ISOHSA Presents Trophy To SW Governor

The champions also paraded the streets of Tiko, Buea and Limbe to the joy of their supporters and football lovers.

The winners of the 2023 National Interpools, Isle of Hope Sports Academy (ISOHSA) of Limbe on Tuesday August 1, 2023 presented their trophy to South West Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai in Buea. The event took place at the Open Hall of the South West Governor’s Office at 4 p.m. in the presence of other top regional administrators. Arriving Buea from Yaounde where the competition unfolded, they drove straight to the South West Governor’s Office amidst songs and jubilation by their supporters and the population of Buea. 
Karl Mokake, President of ISOHSA, presented the trophy to Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai. He recounted the speed brakes that they encountered on their way to the tournament, their preparations and the tournament exploits. “Sir, the most important thing is that we have gained promotion to Elite 2 and we have come back with the trophy of the tournament,” he said. The top goal scorer and best player of the tournament, Albert Tiku Egbe was also presented to the Governor by the ISOHSA President. 
Governor Okalia Bilai congratulated the President, coach, and entire team for their brilliant achievement of progressing to the Elite Two Championship. He said that this will enable football fans of Limbe in particular and South West Region in general, to watch matches not just as spectators but as active supporters of their own team. The Governor believes that the victory of ISOHSA wi...



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