Humanitarian Crisis In Lake Chad Basin: UN Security Council Promises Continued Support

The visiting delegation proffered solutions during a working session with President Paul Biya at the State House on Friday March 3, 2017

Gowing humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin masterminded by activities of the nebulous terrorist group, Boko Haram, may receive special attention from the UN Security Council, donors and other international bodies.  A 15-man visiting delegation of the UN Security Council, the first of its kind since the dreaded group started wreaking havoc in Cameroon and other neighbouring countries, has pledged to step up support and advocacy.
Talking to the press after holding a working session with President Paul Biya at the State House on Friday March 3, 2017 to jointly seek sustained solutions to the humanitarian crisis, the leader of the delegation said time has come for things to be done differently. Matthew Rycroft, UK Ambassador to the UN Security Council, President of the Security Council for March and Co-head of the delegation told the press that, “We have come here with the view from New York that there is a large humanitarian crisis in this region which is being neglected.” We have, “come in order to end that neglect, shine a spotlight on that situation here and in the Lake Chad Basin and to make sure that the international community, the donors, the UN are stepping up in response,” the UK diplomat reiterated. He said factors that have contributed to the complexity of the crisis like the environmental factors, local development, issues related to poverty and good governance need integrated approaches to be sustainably addressed.
Matthew Rycroft, like the other co-leaders of the delegation, notably Francois Delattre and Fode Secke respectively France and Senegal Ambassadors to the UN Security Council appreciated the time spent with President Paul Biya.  “We had a full cordial discussion with President Paul Biya and we pledged our continued support to him, his government and to the people of Cameroon for the interconnected challenges that they are facing. What we can do is to shine a spotlight on it, to encourage the whole international community to step up support in response and we can assure you that no longer shall this be a neglected crisis,” the UK Ambassador to the UN Security Council and current President said.
The working session that held at the Council of Ministers Conference Hall in the third floor of Unity Palace saw a face-to-face discussion between Cameroon and the visiting UN Security Council delegation. President Paul Biya was assisted by Ministers Joseph Beti Assomo, Rene Emmanuel Sadi and Minister Delegate Joseph Dion Nguti. Meanwhile, the visiting 14 UN Security Council Members from Bolivia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Uruguay all answered present.  The Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Cameroon, H.E. Nikolay Ratsiborinskiy represented his country to bring the number to 15. The outgoing UN System Resident Coordinator in Cameroon, Najat Rochdi was also in attendance. President Paul showcased Cameroon’s legendary hospitality and generosity to the delegation when he personally shook hands with each of the members before the working session as well as handed to each of them Cameroon’s 50th Anniversary Medals after the in-camera  discussions.

Réactions :

Matthew Rycroft: “We Commend Government’s Efforts”

UK Ambassador to the UN Security Council, President of the Security Council for March and Co-head of delegation

“The first element of the crisis is terrorism. We stand with the government and the President of Cameroon in fighting Boko Haram. We have heard the analysis that there have been many successes against Boko Haram but the threat continues. We pay tribute to the sacrifices made and encourage the governments of the region to continue and intensify their work together including through the Multinational Joint Task Force. Secondly, we have been focusing on the humanitarian aspects of the crisis, the flood of refugees. We have been hearing of the refugees from Nigeria, Cameroon and Central African Republic. We commend the governments of Cameroon and Nigeria for signing the tripartite agreement with the UNHCR and we encourage its full implementation. Thirdly, we have been looking at the factors that contributed to complexity of the crisis; the environmental factors, local development, issues related to poverty and good governance. All these things are interconnected and making sure that there is proper protection, proper human rights and proper focus on girls and women who are disproportionately affected.”

François Delattre: « La région du lac Tchad mérite une attention plus soutenue »

Ambassadeur de France auprès des Nations unies.

« Je voudrais au nom de la France et en ma qualité de co-président de cette importante mission du Conseil de sécurité,  faire  trois remarques. Premièrement, cette mission n’est pas une mission comme les autres. Elle est à bien des égards sans précédent sur trois points de vue. D’abord la région du lac Tchad, qui pour bien des raisons, est une priorité pour la France, n’a pas eu l’attention qu’elle méritait jusqu’à présent de la part de la Communauté internationale. Cette erreur qui est aussi une injustice est aujourd’hui réparée. Et c’est le premier objectif de cette mission du Conseil de sécurité. Je me réjouis énormément que cette mission ait commencé ici au Cameroun. Deuxièmement, cette mission est importante parce que nous arrivons avec une approche innovante, intégrée et globale pour traiter les trois grands défis qui se posent dans la région : la lutte contre Boko Haram, l’urgence humanitaire et le défi du développement. Troisièmement, je voudrais souligner que la région du lac Tchad a voca...



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