African Athletics Championships : Local Organising Committee Installed

They were commissioned by the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi on May 21, 2024.

Cameroon is gearing up to host the 23rd African Senior Athletics Championships and all hands are on deck to ensure the smooth organization of the event. The Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, officially commissioned the Local Organizing Committee of this prestigious event on May 21, 2024 in Yaounde.
This committee, created on May 14, 2024, will oversee the organization of the event taking place in Douala, the economic capital, from June 20th to 26th.
“For one week,” the Minister emphasized, "Douala will be the epicenter of African athletics, with athletes from 54 countries and numerous African and world champions participating." Minister Mouelle Kombi praised the country's infrastructure, as well as Cameroon's proven local expertise in organizing competitions of such magnitude.
The Minister also stressed the importance of the committee's role, stating, "The success of the organiz...



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