GCE : Candidates Write Calmly

The written part of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education examinations off to a good start in Douala.

Candidates sitting the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary and Advanced Level examination in Douala are joining their counterparts across the country in writing the examination. The written part of the GCE Ordinary and Advanced started on 28 May, with the Ordinary Level and Advanced Level Commerce and Geology for the different series. The phase that started on 28 May will last until 12 June 2024. 
As early as 6:30 am, students could be seen making their way to their various centres. Some left their homes early to avoid the usual Douala traffic. This was the case of candidate Celestin A., who told CT that he left his house at 5am to be at the writing centre at College Royal Ndogbong at 6am. He said he did not want to leave at 6am because of the heavy traffic on the SOCAVER Bifaga stretch of the road. By 7am at College Royal in Ndogbong writing centre, some students were already seen in the hall while others were busy looking for their writing rooms and seats. At the entrance to the various halls, each invigilator could be seen busy checking the candidates to ensure that they were not entering the ha...



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