International Organisations : Cameroon Occupies Strategic Positions
- By Eulalia AMABO
- 11 juin 2024 12:17

The United Nations, African Union and International Organisation for Civil Protection, as well as regional economic blocs are some of the institutions where Cameroonians lead at the helm.
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Cameroon has boldly inscribed its name at the international scene. The land of the green-red-yellow national flag has occupied and continues to hold strategic positions in international organisations, having ascended to the helm after an election. Within the United Nations, African Union, Pan-African Parliament, the International Organisation for Civil Protection, as well as regional economic blocs, the name of Cameroon has been written in the history of times.
Most recently, Cameroon recorded a resounding diplomatic success with the election of Philemon Yang, Cameroon’s former Prime Minister, as the President of the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations, on June 6, 2024 in New York. Based on a rotational principle, it was the turn of African to occupy the prestigious position and Cameroon got the position after the election. From September 10, 2024 when he will take over office, Philemon Yang will for one year (the statutory term of office), as President of the session, work under the theme; “unity in diversity, for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity everywhere and for all.” Still within the United Nations, Vera Songwe, another Cameroonian was on April 17, 2017 appointed by the Secretary-General António Guterres as the ninth Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) at the level of UN Under-Secretary-General. She is the first woman to have served in this role. In addition, the Cameroonian-born legal practitioner, Justice Leslie Forbang, was recently elected Judge at the United Nations Tribunal. Justice Forbang, whose mandate began on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2030, joins four other Judges to rule on litigations that will be brought before the Tribunal for their consideration.
At the African Union, Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, a Cameroonian diplomat was in 2017 appointed as head of the Unit for Institutional Reforms.
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