World Health Assembly : Taiwan’s Observer Bid Rejected For 8th Consecutive Time

Over 100 countries backed Beijing’s “One-China” principle by voting to keep out Taiwan.


For the eighth year running, the World Health Assembly, WHA, the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organisation, WHO, which held in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2024, rejected "Taiwan's participation at the WHA as an observer" in its official agenda. Speaking in a media briefing on May 27, 2024 in Geneva, Chen Xu, China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, said that the WHO's repeated refusal demonstrated that the “One-China” principle has won universal support from the international community, China Daily had reported. 


Massive Support For China’s Position 
The newspaper quoted Chen as saying nearly 140 countries had expressed their commitment to the “One-China” principle and opposition to Taiwan's participation in the event before the assembly from May 27-30, 204, got underway. And nearly 100 countries had sent letters to the WHO or made public statements to express support and understanding for China’s opposition to “Taiwan independence” and Beijing’s efforts to promote China's reunification.


Only One China Exists! 
Chen stressed that there was only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. Taiwan's participation in the work of the WHO or any other international organizations must be handled in line with the “One-China” principle. Which he added, is the fundamental principle asserted by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and WHO Resolution 25.1.


Global Support For China’s Reunification 
“This fully demonstrates that the “One-China” principle is where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends, and must not be challenged,” Xinhua news agency quoted a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman as commenting. The 77th World Health Assembly had as theme, “All for Health, Health for All.” A delegate from China also spoke on the Taiwan proposal at the third plenary meeting of the assembly, pointed out that the Chinese central government has made proper arrangements for Taiwan’s engagement in global health affairs according to the One-China principle.


“Public Opinion Can’t Be Defied”
“We would like to once again make it clear to Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party that public opinion cannot be defied and those who play with fire will get burnt. We also urge certa...



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