Promoting excellence : Pan-African Institute Graduates Several Batches

This was during a ceremony presided over by the Rector of the University of Yaounde-II.

More than 700 students from different batches have received their certificates from the Pan- African Institute for Development Central Africa PAID-CA in Douala. The ceremony, which took place on 12 July on the school's campus, was also an opportunity to clarify the issue of the recognition of certificates obtained at the school. Presiding over the ceremony, the Rector of the University of Yaounde II-Soa, Prof. Laurent Richard Omgba, congratulated the graduates and urged them to make a difference wherever they find themselves.
He used the occasion to clarify that the Pan-African Institute for Development Central Africa is affiliated to the University of Yaounde-II, hence, the certificates issued by the said institution, is recognised in Cameroon and beyond. He used the opportunity to call on various stakeholders to accept certificates from the institution. He said the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education sent him on a mission to clear the air on the issue of certificate recognition. He admitted that there had been some misunderstanding between the Ministry of Higher Education an...



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