First Ladies’ Reception : Mrs Chantal Biya Answered Present

She honoured the invitation of Mrs Brigitte Macron on Thursday July 25, 2024 to commune with wives of other world leaders present in Paris for the Olympic Games’ opening ceremony.

Like President Paul Biya, Cameroon’s First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya had a hectic time in Paris for the official opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games which France is currently hosting in its capital city. Mrs Chantal Biya, accompanying her husband, arrived in Paris on Wednesday July 24, 2024 to a hectic reception from Cameroonians based here.
On Thursday July 25, 2024, the Cameroon’s First Lady left their temporal residence at the Four Seasons George V Hotel in the heart of Paris to honour an invitation from the French First Lady, Mrs Brigitte Macron. In effect, Mrs. Chantal Biya alongside other First Ladies used the reception offered by the First Lady of France Mrs. Brigitte Macron at the Meurice Hotel to commune with each other and share best moments. 
Even beyond enjoying the range of French and other European cuisine, the reception also gave the First Ladies the opportunity to share best moments, experiences and hopefully create contacts given the centre positions they occupy in their respective countries and hopefully in the lives of the people. It was indeed an occasion for the First Ladies to give their touch to the Paris Games. More so as the sharing that characterised the First Ladies’ luncheon exactly tied with the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship being promoted by every edition of the global sports competition. Of course, while they relished the products of the French and European cuisine, the First Ladies also discussed on issues of common interest. Mrs Chantal Biya, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, certainly used the luncheon to share her humanitarian activities in Cameroon, ...



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