2024 World Humanitarian Day : Stakeholders Remember The Challenges, Sacrifices Of Colleagues

The United Nations System in Cameroon on August 16, 2024 organised a sports walk in Yaounde as part of the celebration next Monday.

“Since 2003, the United Nations System and the humanitarian community in general have celebrated World Humanitarian Day on August 19. In preparation for this day, we organized a sports walk in some streets of Yaounde on Friday, August 16, 2024 for society to better feel the bond of solidarity that exists amongst humanitarian workers,” explained Mr. Siaka Coulibaly, Acting Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations System in Cameroon


Standing By Cameroon
According to him, the sports walk demonstrated that the humanitarian community is there to support Cameroon by coming to the assistance of most vulnerable people. Especially those in crisis areas like in the Far North, Adamawa, East, North West and South West Regions. “We will always stand by the Cameroonian government to assist vulnerable people wherever they are found,” Coulibaly pledged. 


More Protection For Humanitarian Workers 
“This is why representatives of international organisations like the United Nations System, the Red Cross, Oxfam, Eco, etc, came out to celebrate this day. Our appeal is for more protection for humanitarian workers, especially in crisis regions - to enable them fully carry out their work where necessary, in support of government,” Siaka Coulibaly said.


Cameroon Facilitates Humanitarian Work
He felicitated Cameroon for its excellent cooperation, support and commitment to facilitate the work of the United Nations and its partners in Cameroon, in line with national development priorities. The United Nations System and its humanitarian partners, Siaka noted, supports the efforts of the Government of Cameroon in providing support and assistance to the most vulnerable populations in areas where humanitarian challenges are unfortunately still present. Humanitarian workers operate mainly in six of Cameroon’s 10 administrative regions – the Far North, South West, North West, East and Adamawa, he disclosed.


Exacerbated By Climate Change  
According to Siaka, these areas are also periodically affected by the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Such as floods, the activism of certain armed groups or by the influx of refugees from surrounding countries such as the Central African Republic and Chad. “Indeed, these incidents have the potential to exacerbate the vulnerabilities of populations by reducing their ability to access food, shelter, nutrition, water and sanitation, education, protection services or healthcare, in some cases. It is also important to note that some crises increase the risks for humanitarian workers to safely provide effective assistance based on humanitarian principles,” Siaka warned.


Humanitarian Response Plan
“The launch and ongoing implementation of the Humanitarian Response Plan with the Government is an important step in our support for vulnerable populations. Normally I would have the pleasure of reading to you today the speech by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, prepared for this occasion, but you will recognize that we have decided to launch the celebrations earlier this year,” the Acting UN Humanitarian Coordinator recalled.


In Memory Of Fallen Colleagues 
Coulibaly recalled that World Humanitarian Day is celebrated in memory of humanitarian colleagues who lost their lives on August 19, 2003 following the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. This day serves as a reminder of the risks taken by humanitarians when carrying out their duties.


Do More To Protect!
"This year the theme, “Act for Humanity” symbolizes the call by the global humanitarian community to world leaders - asking them to act for humanity and ensure the protection of civilians and aid workers. Siaka Coulibaly commended humanitarian workers for their support of the most vulnerable people, and in saving lives. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Government of Cameroon for its constant concern and fruitful cooperation,” he said. 


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