Women’s Education : Chantal Biya Joins Forces In Beijing

The First Lady of Cameroon yesterday, September 5, 2024 attended a conference on the importance of empowering women in a bid to decrease poverty in the world.

First Ladies from across Africa and the First Lady of China, Peng Liyuan, have reaffirmed their commitment to foster the education and empowerment of women in Africa and China as an essential tool to the health and social development of families, communities and countries. This was during a conference held yesterday September 5, 2024 in Beijing on the sidelines of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China– Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), underway in the Chinese capital, Beijing. The conference was attended by over 25 First Ladies from Africa.
The one-hour conference focused on the theme “China and Africa: Hand-in-Hand for Women’s Empowerment and Education.” Cameroon’s First Lady, Chantal Biya, who is UNESCO’s Goodwill Ambassador For Education and Social Inclusion did not miss out on the important topic. A line of discussion which she holds dear to her heart and has been spearheading several projects to empower women in over three decades in Africa and Cameroon in particular.
30 minutes before the start of the conference, the First Lady, Chantal Biya left her Saint Regis lodging site for the Fangfeiyuan Pavilion of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Haidian District Beijing; venue of the event.
Among those accompanying the First Lady for the conference was the wife of the Ambassador of Cameroon to China, Solange Mpana.

Upon arrival at the event ground, the First Lady of Cameroon signed the conference poster, to reinforce her support in the need to educate and empower women worldwide. Thereafter, a family picture among the First Ladies graced the start of the event which was divided into three parts. In her opening speech, the First Lady of China, Peng Liyuan, who is also UNESCO Envoy for the Advancement of Girls’ and Women’s Education, revealed the crucial role education plays in global development, especially in empowering girls and women worldwide. She emphasized the importance of placing education at the forefront of discussions such as the current summit, while underlining the importance of educating children, particularly girls, with focus on science and technology. Talking briefly about...



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