Inter-community Conflicts : Reflections On Management Mechanisms

A three-day colloquium organised by the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism began yesterday at the Yaounde Conference Centre.


Misunderstanding over land issues, power tussle and the fight for access to resources are some of the factors that provoke inter-tribal conflicts in most parts of Cameroon. The consequences are usually far reaching, often including the loss of lives and property. Patriotism is being put to question, efforts by the Head of State in ensuring peace and social cohesion undermined and the image of the country affected. Faced with the situation and in an effort to contribute to finding lasting solutions, in line with its missions, the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism is organising a three-day colloquium on the theme, “Inter-community conflicts and the promotion of living together in Cameroon.” The opening ceremony of the three-day event which seeks to share information on the root causes and come up with proposition on proper management, and possible prevention, was presided by the President of the Commission, Peter Mafany Musonge. As indicated by the President, the global objective of the colloquium is to bring to the understanding of the national community, the gravity of inter-tribal conflicts which if not managed or eradicated, affects fundamental aspects like peace, national unity and social cohesion. Participants who include representatives of civil society organisations, historians, academicians, traditional rulers, administrative and religious authorities, researchers, as well as traditional and financial partners are also expected to propose solutions for the proper management and possible eradication of inter-community conflicts. “It is the fervent wish to see the end of inter-community conflicts. This appeal, is a genuine cry with respect to the resurgence of inter-community conflicts in our beloved country and thei...



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