Promoting Sustainable Agriculture : Stakeholders Concert

This was during a consultative workshop launched on the 30 September in Douala to clamour for laws on the formalization of this way of farming in Cameroon.

Within the framework of the new special initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ) “Transformation of Food Systems”, Cameroon has been identified for the implementation of the Sustainable Agricultural Systems (AgSys) project, which is based on the transformation of agricultural systems in the broader context of agricultural and food systems. The focus is on the pre-production stages (input and knowledge provision), agricultural production, processing and marketing, the associated value chains, and the impact on the environment and ecosystems, such as climate, soil and water. The global AgSys project, which supports Cameroon and other African countries through individual interventions, aims to shape global and regional agricultural transformation agendas at the national level.
To this end, the stakeholder consultation workshop held in Douala on 30 September was an opportunity to look at the Cameroonian measure and call for laws that will promote sustainable agriculture in Cameroon. Opening the workshop in Douala on 30 September 2024, GIZ AgSys Senior Technical Advisor Madam Marthe Epassy explained that the Cameroon National AgSys Action strengthens the participation of the private sector as ag...



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