Church Training: Transforming Leaders, Making Their Environments Fruitful

Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, Yaounde, Cameroon and Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi, Kenya on October 18, 2024 in the Cameroonian capital rounded up the training of close to 500 church leaders.

Call it a gamble. Or something very close to it. Because it was a “daring” initiative by every estimation. But the organizers still went ahead. Though not quite sure of what to expect. In terms of response. But they counted on one thing - their faith - and went on. Afterall, there was nothing to lose. So, they “consoled” themselves. But much to gain, if it worked out. So, they thought. But the “gamble” eventually paid off! As the two sides were brought together through diplomatic connection. And today are engaged in an unprecedented South-South intimate partnership. Which holds great prospects of changing the narrative on the continent in years to come. In terms of missionary outreach.  


Together For Christ 
Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi, Kenya and Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, Yaounde, Cameroon have one thing in common. They are the largest congregations in the Kenya Baptist Convention and the Cameroon Baptist Convention, respectively. More than this, the two churches are today on the same spiritual wave length. On how to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of Africa. And beyond. Including parts of the world whose missionaries first brought the Word of God to Africa.


Diplomatic Connection
To thank for all this are three main “things.” The 2022 Football World Cup in Qatar. The daring attitude of Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi. And the diplomatic connection offered by Her Excellency, Dr Vivian Nain Kuma, the Head of Mission, Cameroon Consulate in Nairobi, Kenya. “Though not participating in the 2022 Qatar World Cup, Parklands Baptist Church wrote to diplomatic missions in Kenya whose nations were in the World Cup, inviting the diplomats to watch the football matches with them in the church premises. 
“The Cameroonian Consul in Nairobi responded positively and came to Parklands Baptist Church where she joined Christians in watching Cameroon’s matches on a giant screen. She later told Parklands about Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, Yaounde. Expressing the wish to see the two churches collaborate after handing Parklands the phone number of Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church,” recalls Rev. Tanjong Hilarius of Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church.


Blossoming Partnership 
Since 2022, the relationship between Etoug-Ebe and Parklands has been blossoming. Three pastors from Etoug-Ebe visited Parklands. And three pastors from Parklands on October 18, 2024 in Yaounde rounded up a three-day conference on transformational, fruitful leadership. That saw the participation of close to 500 pastors, Christian youth, men and women leaders from Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, other Cameroon Baptist Convention churches and some denominations.   


Becoming Christians In Deeds
“Most of Africa’s leaders are Christians and many Africans say they are Christians. But all these people who claim to be Christians are unable to transform their societies by their life styles, perhaps because they are not equipped for their roles. That is why we organised the training so that our church members, wherever they find themselves, should be able to transform their activities and the people around them – be it in politics, little business, education, families and individual lives,” said Rev. Yomsi Maurice, pastor in charge of missions and worship services in French, Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church.  


Social Media, The Place To Be
“Our greatest joy about the partnership with Parklands Baptist Church is that it is not between an African church and a Western church as we are used to…The purpose is to expand the gospel to many parts of Africa. The training sought to make the Cameroon church vibrant in at least three areas – on social media, home fellowships and being a vibrant mission church,” Rev. Dr Joseph Jikong, the Senior Pastor of Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, explained.


Furthering The Christian Agenda
According to Rev. Victor Kimani, the leader of the Parklands team of trainers, Africa is no longer the dark continent. “It has received the light of the gospel and we are taking the gospel far and wide. In consolidation of this, churches from all over Africa must come together to move forward the agenda of Christendom in Africa and the rest of the world. It was a great opportunity for us to come for the conference to discuss transformational leadership and being fruitful in places where God has placed us as congregations, churches and individuals in the Body of Christ. It was great just to be in Cameroon and share with the people what God is doing,” Rev. Kimani commented.


Bilingualism As Key Tool
Meanwhile, both partners are taking advantage of Cameroon’s bilingual nature (with the use of French and English) to spread the Word of God in West Africa. Based on the understanding that if the church has strong leadership, the Greater Africa Vision of carrying the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to all nations will be easier. “The problem with many Christians today is that they are slaves to sin because they have not yet accepted Jesus in their hearts as their Lord and personal Saviour. And have not experienced the new birth that should enable them to resist and overcome sin by the power of the Holy Spirit,” Rev. Yomsi noted. 


Christianity Is African!
“People make the dangerous mistake of thinking that Christianity is a Western religion. We proclaim Christianity, but it is also ours. Jesus never went to Europe, but He came to Africa. We have to take the stand of saying Christianity is ours. Our culture is very connected to the Biblical culture. We look forward to seeing how we can validate contextualisation and challenge ourselves to embrace Christianity and be able to live it out,” Rev. Dr Jikong said. 


Digital Outreach 
“I see a future whereby churches will prosper and do better by evangelising and growing small neighbourhood fellowships more; and using the social media to spread the gospel. Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church has already embarked on digitalising its worship. We have a website and we go on Facebook live every Sunday. We look forward to doing Bible studies online. We are going on YouTube as well. We are working on going on Twitter and maybe present snippets of our activities on TikTok,” he disclosed.


Sharing “Best” Practices 
“This is a wonderful partnership. We are learning from each other, sharing experiences, building each other...



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