Documentary-film on Paul Biya : Bamenda Set For Public Projection

Preparatory meetings are intensifying ahead of the event programmed for October 26, 2024.

The people of the North West Region are bracing up to massively attend the public projection of the Documentary-film “Paul Biya, a great Statesman with an extraordinary destiny.”  This will take place at the courtyard of the Mezam Senior Divisional Office on Saturday, October 26, 2026.
North West Regional Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique, chairperson of the Supervisory Committee presided at yet another preparatory meeting at the Conference hall of his Office on October 23, 2024.  This was in the presence of a three-member advanced team from the central administration of the Ministry of Arts and Culture.  Before the preparatory meeting, the team from the Ministry of Arts and Culture had had meetings with key stakeholders in the organization of the projection.
The chairperson of the Steering Committee, Professor Fru Angwafo III who doubles as the President of the North West Regional Assembly presented the general updates of the level of preparation.  After this, each committee chairp...



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