Revision of Electoral Registers : ELECAM Insists Exercise Respects Legal Provisions

In a press briefing yesterday, the Director General of Elections at ELECAM, Dr. Erik Essousse, said the institution also collaborates with other stakeholders to produce a credible register.

Electors are currently cross-checking their names and personal information on the provisional electoral lists of Elections Cameroon, made public at the institution’s Council Braches nationwide on October 20, 2024. Following the publication of the provisional lists, some opposition leaders made claims that the process was not transparent and inclusive enough, especially at the diaspora. To clarify public opinion, the Director General of Elections at Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), Dr. Erik Essousse held a press briefing on October 24, 2024 in which he insisted that the process for the revision of electoral registers respected legal provision as stipulated in the Electoral Code. 
Explaining the process in details, the Director General said the operations relating to the revision of electoral registers for 2024 were launched on January 1 and closed on August 31, and took place in Cameroon and abroad. In the course of the exercise, the senior ELECAM official noted that the institution worked together with Commissions in charge of the Revision of Electoral Registers, in conformity with Sections 52, 77 and 78 of the Electoral Code. In the said Commissions are; a representative from ELECAM, the administration, the Mayor and every legalised political party within the Council area concerned or the constituency of Cameroon diplomatic representations or consular posts abroad. “During this period, these Commissions conducted and took active part in operations relating to voter enrolment, modification, correction, transfer and deletion,” Dr. Erik Essousse stated. Still in conformity with Section 78 of the abovementioned Code, the Director General of Elections made public the provisional electoral lists on October 20, 2024. “In this respect, we are calling ...



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