Secondary Education : Focus On School Infrastructure, Equipment

Minister Nalova Lyonga solicits a budget of FCFA 584,1 billion for the execution of her programmes in 2025.

The Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Nalova Lyonga has defended her draft budget of FCFA 584 billion 166 million for the implementation of four major programmes in 2025. The Minister was before the Finance and Budget Committee of the National Assembly headed by Hon. Rosette Ayayi Moutymbo yesterday December 4, 2024. 
Minister Nalova Lyonga told Committee members that the solicited amount will be used for strengthening access to secondary education, by continuing to develop school infrastructure and equipment, and the rational management of institutions to take in 64.7 per cent of pupils from primary schools. Concerning the quality of education and life in schools, the noted that they will do their utmost best to ensure that at least 53.9 per cent of learners complete secondary education.  With regards to professionalization, she said activities to be carried out will aim to ensure that 26.79 per cent of male and female students in promising streams continue to vocational streams. There will also be the Ministry's support programme for governance and institutional support. 
The budget which witnesses an increase of FCFA 27,2 billion, mostly on the payroll, the Minister said, is an indication of the Head of State's determination to continue paying t...



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