Violence Against Women: Alarm Bells Should Keep Ringing

On November 25, 2024, Cameroon joined the international community to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on the theme; « Every 10 Minutes, a woman is killed. #NoExcuse. UNiTE to End Violence against Women ». The theme draws attention to the alarming rise in women deaths from violence perpetrated against them. On this day, the entire world came together to reaffirm the commitment to end violence against all women. The day reminds us of our shared responsibility to eliminate one of the most pervasive human rights violations. 
Despite the progress made, violence against women remains a devastating reality. Globally, one in three women experiences physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. Last year, every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman was murdered by someone from her own family. In many cities in Cameroon, what some people and families hitherto considered “a rare occurrence” is now on the rise. From 66 reported cases of femicides in Cameroon last year to 67 cases before even the end of this year. Violence is not just a personal tragedy. It reflects deep structural failings that rob women of dignity, rights, and opportunities. It destabilizes families, fractures communities, and undermines the social and economic foundations of our societies. Recently, most prominent media outlets reported the case of a man who battered the nursing wife in a private hospital in Douala for refusing to validate documents that would enable him collect a loan from the bank on her behalf. The outcome of the violent attack was that the lady went into coma and was rushed to another hospital with better facilities, but died, leaving behind two children aged two and six. Cases like this are not only frequent, but worrisome. 
In Cameroon where this year’s theme was coined to suit the realities on the field, “Fight Back and Rebuild after Violence”, violence against women does not go unchecked. The Constitution affirms women’s right to life, physical and moral integrity and to humane treatment in all circumstances. Under no circumstances, the constitution states, “shall any person be subjected to torture, to cruel inhumane or degrading treatment”. Women who have been victimized and continue to be victimized deserve justice and an acknowledgement of their dignity. Women who have had their lives taken away by their intimate partners and other men ought to be remembered during special ceremonies. If we truly believe, as is often claimed, that women are the pillars of our communities, then they must be respected. We owe it to ourselves, the future generations and to the women who have been and are pillars of our community, to probe why violence against women persists. We need to be brave and relentless in not only challenging the patriarchal system which is at the base of the phenomenon, but also need to confront and bring aggressors to justice.
The fight can only be won with the full collaboration of all stakeholders, especially women who are the greatest victims. This is because, in spite of the numerous calls on women and girls to speak out against violence, many cases still go unpunished due to various reasons. One of such reasons is corruption. Some cases are reported but the perpetrators pay off those concerned with the case, leaving the victim helpless. Long judicial procedures have also left some women in the dragnet of their violent partners. Moreover, the attitude of the society greatly influences the reluctance of victims to report violent partners. Many women stay in violent relationships to save their marria...



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