ENAM Obtains Electronic Classroom Boards

The institution received 21 of such boards last week for its classrooms and conference centres


Within the first phase of the project to equip all classrooms at the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), the Director General of the institution, Mendjana Linus Toussaint last Thursday April 20, 2017 at the school premises presented some 21 electronic boards for classrooms, amphitheatres and conference centres. During the event the Director General said ENAM is evolving towards digital as it is in the case with reference institutions in developed countries. ENAM, the Director General said, cannot remain on the sidelines of innovations in the digital world.
From all indications, while the traditional white board already has everyone’s attention, the electronic device is a new technology that is slowly gaining popularity due to its interactive power, Linus Toussaint noted. The digital screen allows images from the computer to be displayed on a board. With the existence of electronic black boards, incorporated with computers connected to the internet, aimed at encouraging interaction between teachers and students, ENAM lecturers are no longer obliged to move ar...



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