20th May 2024 : Bonding National Fraternity Stronger!

President Paul Biya yesterday chaired the military and civilian parades for the 52nd edition at the 20th May Boulevard in Yaounde which demonstrated the richness of unity in diversity.

Cameroonians from all walks of life have had another opportunity to show the world that though a culturally varied country, comprising over 250 ethnic groups and speaking over 240 languages, their diversity is a veritable source of strength and unity. The 52nd anniversary of the country’s Unitary State celebrated in grand style nationwide yesterday May 20, 2024 was a platform par excellence to revisit the path covered and seek ways of surmounting visible and regrettably divisive tendencies so as to uphold and better fashion the priceless togetherness.
The 20th May Boulevard in downtown Yaounde was the theatre of action and the blend of the commemorative activities gave the Head of State, President Paul Biya, his guests and Cameroonians as a whole an opportunity to celebrate unity in diversity with Cameroon’s characteristics. In fact, the huge attendance of the defence and security forces likewise the population and their separate parades were expressive enough of harmony in diversity.
 It was indeed a perfect illustration of the precious Army-Nation synergy highly needed to continually angle the country on the path of peace and social justice, where every son and daughter feels a sense of belonging with favourable conditions for all to happily contribute in nation building. A way of showing the world the relevance of the theme of 52nd National Day, “Army and Nation: Together for a United, Peaceful and Prosperous Cameroon.”
Indeed, the colourful May 20 parade got to the apex with the arrival of the Head of State, Commander-in-chief of the Defence Forces and guarantor of the country’s constitution, President Paul Biya at noon, after that of the First Lady Chantal Biya. His welcome by the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo, singing of the national anthem and motorized review of troops got the admiration of the population who applauded as he went round. This was a show of attachment of a people to their leader and a true demonstration to the world how rich a united Cameroon is in its highly-admired diversity.
The stage was therefore fully set for a colourful military and civilian display. Pride of place was given to the visiting detachment of the Armed Forces from the friendly and neighbouring Equatorial Guinea who thrilled the audience with their marching steps, evocative of the cordial bilateral relations Cameroon entertains with the fellow CEMAC peer. Then came the principal brass band commonly called Carousel by the Police that had an inspiring performance telling of Cameroon’s riches in diversity from North to South and East to West. The parade of the national colours: green, red and yellow flag with messages denouncing vices like hate speech and embracing virtues of peace depicted unity in diversity; an asset that has made Cameroon unique and highly revered within and without the African continent. From the Squadron of the Presidential Guard Foot Troops; an eli...


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