“Before You Say Yes I Do”: Wife’s Love Not Focused On Hussy!

 The 2016 movie reveals the many factors affecting marriages nowadays


“Before You Say Yes I Do” is the title of a film that carries a message many young girls will like to be in a position to say. But the movie produced and directed by Frank Sire with Pridine Fru as Executive Producer is all about saying “Yes I Do” when you are sure of what your heart is telling you.
Shot in various locations in Cameroon, the movie reveals a man who is struggling with what his heart really wants or pleasing his parents’ desires. In the movie, Jack is poised on settling down. His fiancé Lovette is a control freak. Somehow she has managed to get the bachelor into settling down and garnered the blessing from her parents, the Richards and prospective in-laws, the Watsons. Meanwhile, she herself is not prepared to be anyone’s Madame. Jack does not master the woman he is marrying but his best man Peter, who is a man of the world, will help out. There is also Channel, Lovette's maid of honor, Jack's ex from another life but his soon-to-be bride knew nothing about their relationship. As usually when women are together, everything is worth talking about. Secrecy knows no bounds. 
Lovette has a lover that she still kept in touch with, even after her engagement to Jack. At times she confides in her friend about her lover and will even leave town under the pretense of work to go see him. She was digging her own grave without knowing! As fate would have it, Jack and Channel still had the old lovers' spark, which ...



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