CPDM Central Committee: Gratitude, Support Pledges To President Biya

Senior CPDM officials, cabinet ministers, officials of allied parties to the CPDM and heads of diplomatic missions celebrated in unison.

Standing ovations to President Paul Biya, gratitude for his achievements and promises of unalloyed support in future challenges, characterized celebrations marking the 35th anniversary of President Paul Biya’s accession to the supreme magistracy at the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM)  headquarters in Yaounde on November 6, 2017.

The celebration here was a one-speech event in which the Secretary General of the CPDM Central Committee, Jean Nkuete succinctly presented the achievements of the New Deal incarnated by President Paul Biya.

The hearts and determination of the President Biya’s party members were translated in the message written in conspicuously placed  banner in the celebration hall, “Militants and sympathizers of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement stand with the founder of the New Deal  for enhancing the “Cameroonian spirit” consolidating national unity, integration and peace.”

It was in the  same line that Jean Nkuete  said the celebration was with pride  for President Biya’s works in consolidating peace and national unity. He said they were also celebrating with pride because of the already realized projects, ongoing ones and the projects in the pipeline.

President Biya’s 35th anniversary of accession to power came within a context of the attempt to divide Cameroon and other insecurity threats. Without  naming the attempt which essentially is the intention of some separatists in the English-speaking r...



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