Forthcoming Presidential Election: CPDM Central Committee Decries Disinformation

Below is a press release signed by the Secretary for Communication.

«The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Cameroon’s People’s Democratic Movement, Mr Jean Nkuete hereby communicates as follows:
A fake call for the non-candidacy of His Excellency Paul Biya, National President of CPDM, in the forthcoming presidential election, allegedly signed by members of the political bureau and the central committee, as well as senior executives and officials of the Secretariat General of the CPDM central committee, is circulating on social networks and diplomatic representations.

The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement assures the national and international opinion that this is indeed a false document which stems from the vast and gross campaign of disinformation, intoxication  and manipulation orchestrated to undermine the morale of our fellow citizens in the face of their firm support for the President of the Republic in his tireless and vic...



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