Human Rights: National Commission Outlines 2018 Activities

Examination and adoption of the 2018 plan of action featured top on the agenda of the 23rd ordinary session which held on December 21, 2017 in Yaounde.

The National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms, NCHRF, on December 21, 2017 held its 23rd ordinary session at the Yaounde conference centre with deliberations taking place under the chairmanship of Dr. Divine Banda Chemuta, who is Chairperson of the Commission.

Three points featured on the agenda of the session amongst which were the examination and adoption of the draft complaint management procedure, the examination and adoption of the 2018 action plan of the Commission, and the examination and adoption of the 2018 budget of the Commission.

In an opening remark, Dr. Banda said the session was holding in a context of some successes and many challenges. “We continue to operate in an atmosphere of social tension in the country and limited financial resources. Although the atrocities of Boko Haram have been largely curbed by the military, they are not yet over. Secessionists are terrorising citizens of the South West and North West regions and targeting defence forces.

The NCHRF continues to monitor the situation through its regional offices and will be undertaking a second investigation mission to these regions when the means become available,” he stated. With regards to the promotion of human rights, the Com...



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