ENAM: Bilingualism, Modern Management Decreed

President Paul Biya on April 9, 2018 signed a decree reorganizing the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM).

The National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) that trains administrative, financial, judicial and parliamentary staff for Cameroon’s public service and parliamentary services is henceforth bound to be more efficient in its missions. This follows decree N° 2018/240 of 9 April 2018 the President of the Republic Paul Biya signed reorganizing the school. The decree contains key innovations.

Alignment to Law on Public Corporations
President Biya has aligned ENAM to Law N° 2017/011 of 12 July 2017 to law down the general rules and regulations governing public corporations.  As such, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors have to be appointed for a three-year term renewable once. The board members on their part, in conformity to Section 47 of the law of 12 July 2017 have to be appointed for a three-year term renewable once. The Head of State with regard to the Director General and the Deputy Director General of ENAM states that they have to be appointed by decree of the President of the Republic for a three-year term renewable twice. The Board Chairperson, members of the Board, Director General and Deputy Director General would henceforth respect the provisions of Section 77 of the Law of 12 July 2017 relating to restrictions and incompatibilities.

Respect of Bilingualism
The Head of State instructed in Article 24 of the decree that all teachings and training in ENAM  have to be in Cameroon’s two official languages that are  English and French. Article 52 (1) of the decree further states that students of ENAM, besides undergoing compulsory military service as part of their training, must practice bilingualism.

Board of Directors
President Biya has given more powers to the Board of Directors of ENAM. In Articles 21 and 22 of the decree, he empowers the board chairman to summon an extraordinary session of the board during which the Director General and the Deputy Director General would give explanations on the management of the institution. The decree spells out different sanctions to be slammed on the two senior officials in case they are found guilty of management malpractices, a...



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