“Rebel Pilgrim” No To Polygamy...

The movie, by Cameroon producer Paul Samba, won the prize of the best 2018 film at CAMIFF 2018.

“Rebel Pilgrim” is a film which does not only reveal the personal experience of one of the producers, Paul Samba, who is from a polygamous family and has experienced a lot of negative effects from polygamy, but also the reality of the African society, particularly communities in Cameroon. “Rebel Pilgrim”, which was crowned the best film of the year by the International Cameroon Film Festival (CAMIFF), exposes the adverse effects polygamy has on families.

“Rebel Pilgrim” narrates the story of a 17-year-old-girl, Leyonga, born into a polygamous home. She is very studious and has dreams of going to the university someday, get a good job and take care of her mother, Bisona, whom her father, Tita, does not care about. When Leyonga obtains her Ordinary Level Certificate, her father wants to marry her off to his friend old enough to be her grandfather.

According to Mr Tita, this will enable him to have money to pay the bride price of his fourth wife. Will Leyonga succeed in her dreams of going to the university? Will her father succeed to marry her off to his friend from whom he has already taken part of the bride price? Viewers are advised to watch for close to two hours; and see how it turns out in the movie "Rebel Pilgrim".

Written and produced by P...



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