CPDM Gives Go Ahead On Outstanding Party Issues

Party congress to hold later, authorizes postponement of elections into organs of the party, extends terms of office, etc…

Suspense over the holding of the ordinary congress of the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement could be cut with a knife, especially as popular opinion had quickly concluded that a congress of the party ought to have statutorily held last September. And even more questions were seen to be hanging over the party, least of which were not the terms of the National President of the party and office holders of other organs which were said to have ended and which required renewals.

It took a mere 60 minutes yesterday at a meeting at State House of the Political Bureau of the party to thrash all these issues. From 10:30 am, members of the select organ of the party whose duty it is to advise the national President on the running of the party between sessions of statutory bodies, began to arrive, beginning with the National Assembly Speaker, Cavaye Yeguié Djibril. Minutes later, a long convoy of cars conveying the other members of the Political Bureau showed up at the main entrance into State House. The 23-member Politburo was virtually all present except for the absence of two members – Messrs Janvier Mongui Sossomba and Luc Ayang who, out of the country on official assignments, could not be physically present. 

Two other members of the highest decision-making body of the party – Mrs Delphine Medjo died recently while Mr Marafa Hamidou Yaya is currently serving a 20-year imprisonment term at the Kondengui prison. So, those answering present on the register of participants yesterday were, according to the list produced at the third ordinary congress of the party in September 2011 Cavaye Yeguié Djibril, Emmanuel Bonde, Gilbert Tsimi Evouna, Fon Francis Anang, Jean Bernard Ndongo Essomba, John Ebong Ngolle, Regina Mundi, Musonge Peter Mafany, Sali Dairou, Genevieve Tjoues, Jean Nkueté, Mohamadou Abbo Ousmanou, Thomas Tobbo Eyoum, Sultan Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, Jacques Fame Ndongo and Lamido Aboubakary Abdoulaye for elected members while the designated members present yesterday included René Emmanuel Sadi, Théophile Baoro and Rose Zang Nguelé.  

The meeting began at about 11 am behind closed doors at the third floor office area of the President of the Republic ...



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