Highlights of President’s message

UNITY AND PEACE: “In these difficult moments, I am devoting all my energy and all my experience to ensure peace unity and progress in our beloved and beautiful country”

DIALOGUE: “Furthermore I intend to continue dialogue initiated with the people of goodwill to bring about lasting peace.”

DISARMAMENT: “If my appeal to warmongers to laydown their weapons remains unheeded, the defence and security Forces will be instructed to neutralize them.”

COMMON FURTURE: “The seven year term that has just begun should be decisive for our country. It could be one of the most defining moments of our post-independence history.”

ECONOMIC CHALLENGES: “Priority should be the processing of our agricultural commodities to give them added value and reduce our imports of goods and services.”

ENERGY: “We will continue to provide our country with energy infrastructure to meet the needs of our agro-industry and various industrial sectors as well as the demands of our people.” In addition to hydroelectric dams Solar energy plants will be constructed for rural electrification

PROBLEMS:some of our major problems stem from the fact that the structure of our economy make us depend heavily on the external world especially the prices of our commodities;




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