Road Construction: Yaounde-Douala Expressway Stretches Wider

Of the first phase of the project, 30km from Yaounde has been completely tarred, while PK30-PK40 has been paved at 90 per cent and the PK40-PK60 stretch freed by locals

Construction works on the Yaounde-Douala expressway is gradually and steadily advancing, with the road stretching wider, an updated progress report by the Ministry of Public Works shows. The first 30km of the road from Yaounde has been completely tarred. Officials said the paving of the road from Kilometric Point (PK) 30 to PK40 stands at 90 per cent. The delays in the payment of indemnities to locals along the road, which has stalled the project on many occasions since its onset, has been sorted out.

The Ministry of Public Works has disclosed that government has paid the required compensation to the concerned beneficia ries who have now freed the project site from PK40-PK60. Clearing, grading and terracing of the remaining part of the first phase of the Yaounde-Douala expressway is ongoing, officials informed Cameroon Tribune.

In should be recalled that last month, stakeholders involved in the construction of the double-carriage (expressway) road disclosed that efforts had been stepped up to get the first phase of the road (60km) completed soon.

According to officials of China First Highway Engineering Company (CFHEC); the road construction enterprise executing the project, once all the first 60 km constituting the first phase of the road will be completed, a connecting flyover will be built at Bibodi to conn...



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