For Inclusive Participation : Organisers Roll Out YouTube Channel

Barely online for some days now, the channel has been attracting subscribers and views.

Several social media platforms have been created by organisers of the announced major national dialogue of the President of the Republic in his speech to Cameroonians on September 10, 2019 with a creation of a YouTube Channel being the latest. The channel named ‘CmrDialogue’ can be visited by everyone having access to the internet. At the moment, the YouTube Channel has one uploaded video which is the speech of the Head of State in which he convened the national dialogue. A click on the link takes one directly to the video which starts with the signing of the national anthem of Cameroon. For purposes of inclusive understanding, a voice over (interpretation) of the speech of the President therein has been done in Pidgin English. This adds to the already existing initial official versions of English and French. The uploaded video already has over 200 views shortly after it was put up.

   The channel created on the heels of the announced dialogue seeks to keep Cameroonians and the world abreast with developmen...



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