International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation : Yaounde Hosts Third Africa Office

delegation led by the Deputy Director General, INBAR was received at the Ministry of External Relations on December 6, 2019 prior to the inauguration.

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of External Relations in charge of Relations with the Commonwealth, Felix Mbayu, on December 6, 2019 granted an audience to the Deputy Director General of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR), Lu Wenming during which both parties held talks on the inauguration of the Central Africa Regional office in Yaounde. Speaking to reporters after the audience, Lu Wenming said INBAR attaches great importance to Central Africa, reason why the institution is establishing a regional office in Yaounde.

“I hope that this office can promote bamboo and rattan development in Cameroon and in the Central Africa sub region. Bamboo can be used for livelihood improvement, local economy development, environmental protection, medication and other things,” he explained. Cameroon has been a member of INBAR since 2002, and remains one of the organisation’s most active African members in bamboo and rattan development. As part of its measures in promoting the sustainable use of bamboo, Came...



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