Revitalising Labour Inspectorates

Minister Grégoire Owona on Saturday November 26, 2016 defended a draft budget of FCFA 3.5 billion at the National Assembly.


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security will function with a budget of FCFA 3,567 billion if adopted. The draft budget of the ministry was scrutinised by members of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the National Assembly on November 26, 2016, with Minister Grégoire Owona presenting a balance sheet of how the 2016 budget of his ministry was used and priorities for 2017. He was assisted by the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Michel Ange Angouin, representing the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies as well as the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Finance, Paul Elung Che.

The Labour and Social Security sub sector, he noted, though with a small budget will focus activities in 2017 in improving the social security coverage, revitalising labour inspectorate, promoting social dialogue, implementing standards, principles and fundamental rights to work and strengthening the data-base system of the sub sector amongst others. These activities will be ...



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