Covid-19 : Tailors Carve New Niche
- 14 avril 2020 12:30

Locally fabricated nose masks are en vogue in the nation’s economic capital.
The wearing of nose masks has been prescribed as one of the ways which can stop the spread of the Covid-19 as well as protect people from contacting the virus. With these measures, so many Douala inhabitants are now rushing for nose masks in other to keep safe. On the streets of Douala the quality of masks are varied, but most people prefer the locally fabricated ones since they are washable, cheaper and available. Unlike the medicated ones whose prices skyrocketed with the outbreak of the coronavirus. Locally fabricated masks are now available on almost all street corners in Douala and their prices are different, the prices range from FCFA 1000 to FCFA 300. Nkuetchue Jean, a city dweller said he likes the locally fabricated nose mask because it doesn’t make breathing difficult like the ones used by medical personnel.
On April 5, while distributing nose masks to commercial motorbike riders, the Douala City Mayor Roger Mbassa Ndine made it obligatory for all bike riders to wear nose masks. He said the ones they were giving to the bike riders were washable, meaning the bikers can wash it every evening and reuse the following day. Due to the high demand, most tailors within the city of Douala have a new niche which is the sewing of nose masks. One of them is Sandrine Tadifor, she said she sews and sells the nose masks for FCFA 500. She said she is making much money from it as she sells at least 20 a day
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