Interview: “Obama Succeeded To Maintain America’s Hegemony”

Prof. Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo, Political Sociology lecturer, University of Buea, talks on outgoing US President Barack Obama's legacy on Africa.


Generally speaking, how do you assess President Barack Obama's tenure, especially in regards to Africa?

For Barack Obama to succeed, he had to adopt the posture and act like a president of the United States of America. As the third President in the post-Cold War era, he had to continue to affirm America’s position as unique super power while at the same time working for Americans at home. That has been a difficult balance for him. He has tried for some time, paradoxically, to continue to make his country felt all over the world while engaging in a peculiar style of disengagement.

That is why in this policy, his administration was behind support for rebels in Libya, Egypt and Syria, while at the same American troops have left Afghanistan and Iraq. For these two policies, he was heavily criticised by his successor, President-elect Donald Trump. He did not want America to be a war monger, but also allowed a vacuum where his troops left. At the same time, by supporting rebellions in Syria and Libya in the name of regime change, he has been faulted for creating trouble spots.

His international legacy is a plus and minus. Unlike Bush or Clinton, his administration did not seem to have a specific policy towards Africa except one tied closely to the traditional questions of geostrategic interests, resources and interests (like in the Gulf of Guinea). Even then, these are not too publicised as his specific policies. Unresolved hotspots such as Palestine and the Western Sahara have not had any progress beyond wishful thinking or radical disagreements with some of the parties involved.

Where did he succeed?

Largely, he succeeded to maintain America’s hegemony in the post-Cold War era unchallenged in a world with a diminished Russia and a Western Europe ready to play the game of collective management of world affairs. At home, he is ending his mandate as a two-term President with popular rating.

He was also seen as one who could ensure social progress through the Obamacare healthcare reform. The economy has improved considerably, leading to imp...



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