Sovereign Sustenance

Cameroonians will tomorrow commemorate in a special way the 48th edition of the country’s national day.
The day which unlike other editions will be commemorated without the pageantry that marks such events has been prompted by the outbreak of the coronavirus (covid-19) that is fast becoming a calamity of the century. The alarming cost of the pandemic is incredibly soaring beyond that of the second World War. Sad! 
While this can be considered one of the challenges and unpleasant surprises mankind is bound to face in this life, we cannot in Cameroon doubt that the other political nightmare that robs of peace and precious lives, besides threatening our country’s unity and stability is the sociopolitical crisis in the English speaking regions of our country. That this crisis is in its fourth year despite the efforts that have been made by government to stall through socioeconomic incentives the separatist move is unfortunate.
The motives which range from creation of sociocultural organisations, educational reforms and promise of special geopolitical status for the English speaking regions do not seem to trigger the change of mentality expected of the masterminds of separation. Government calls for separatists to lay down their arms and join their compatriots in building with love, patience and tolerance the unity that brought Cameroon much pride has however yielded some fruits, but not to the extent expected after a quarrel that has already cost hundreds of lives and sent many packing out of the country.
As we celebrate in a special way the 48th edition of the creation of the unitary state to replace the federation that came with reunification of 1st October 1961, we face the ...



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