RD Congo : Joseph Kabila’s FCC Party In Debacles

Since the destitution of the President of the National Assembly, Jeanine Mabunda, there has been wrangling among members of the former ruling party (FCC).

An internal revolution is ongoing among members of the former ruling party-The Common Front for Congo (FCC), headed by Joseph Kabila. Since the destitution of the President of the National Assembly, Jeanine Mabunda, the party is now in four factions; FCC-Renovator, FCC-Progressive, FCC-Republican, FCC-Renaissance.
Within the political family of ex-president Joseph Kabila, there has been several calls for dialogue among these factions with the initiator of the “progressive” wing, the Minister of Solidarity and Humanitarian Actions, Steve Mbikayi Mabuluki taken the bull by the horn. Last weekend, he started talks between these different currents. He first met Agée Matembo, Minister of Regional Planning, whose ANADEC party is calling for the dissolution of the entire management team of the FCC party. 
According to Steve Mbikayi, negotiations between those responsible for all factions should lead to the formation of a new coordination, with a new coordinator at the head of the Common Front for Congo (FCC), in the place of Néhémie Mwilanya, a very close friend of Joseph Kabila. Néhémie Mwilanya’s team is acc...



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