Concretising The Promise!

While waiting for the identities of those called upon to serve as Public Independent Conciliators in the North West and South West Regions to be unveiled, there is everything on the ground to show that President Paul Biya meant business when he quickly promulgated the December 24, 2019 Law To Institute the General Code of Regional and Local Authorities. In effect, the legal instrument, fruit of the Major National Dialogue; among others, makes provisions for a Special Status for the two English-speaking regions by virtue of their historical, social and cultural values with an Independent Conciliator in each of the regions to liaise between the population and the administration for cordial living together and growth. 
Spelling out the rights and obligations of the soon-to-be named Public Independent Conciliators, like the Head of State has just done, and coming on the heels of the December 6, 2020 elections when the delegates were elected and the December 22, 2020 sessions when the management bureaus were put in place, speaks of a resolve to concretise his promise. 
Owing to the fact that the text underlines such a personality must be highly experienced with reputed integrity and proven objectivity, there are reasons to hope for better days ahead. And what the country and the two regions have gone through in the recent past (hate speech and bitterness sometimes leading to violence) suggests an absolute need for fraternity so that the people of one country under one leader can forge ahead with their development for the good of the present and future generations. 
President Paul Biya has always preached unity and dialogue when misunderstandings arise. In fact, he repeatedly tells his compatriots that lasting solutions to problems can be found only through peaceful dialogue. The much-awaited Public Independent Conciliators will therefore be responsible for examining and amicably settling disputes between users and regional and council administrations. Designing and implementing measures to prevent and combat direct or indirect discrimination that may affect users of regional or council services and ensuring that persons serving in the regional or council administration comply with their ethical obligations also fall within the powers of the Conciliator. Conducting any investigation on the functioning or regional and council public services, at the request of five Parliamentarians or five Regional Councillors as well as preparing a report on the functioning of regional and council services shall not be the least of expectations f...



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